Engine Cooling | Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing W198

Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing W198

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.product-group-1 .product-group-2 .product-group-3 .product-group-4 .product-group-5 .product-group-6 .product-group-7 .product-group-8 .product-group-9 .product-group-10 .product-group-11 .product-group-12 .product-group-13 .product-group-14 .product-group-15 .product-group-16 .product-group-18 .product-group-19 .product-group-20 .product-group-21 .product-group-22 .product-group-23 .product-group-24 .product-group-26 .product-group-29 .product-group-35 .product-group-36 .product-group-37 .product-group-38 .product-group-45 .product-group-47 .product-group-49 .product-group-50 .product-group-53 .product-group-55 .product-group-60 .product-group-61 .product-group-62 .product-group-63 .product-group-64 .product-group-67 .product-group-68 .product-group-69 .product-group-70 .product-group-73 .product-group-74 .product-group-75 .product-group-76 .product-group-77 .product-group-78 .product-group-85 .product-group-88 .product-group-90 Panel
Pic. Niemöller
Designation   Price/unit
excl. tax.
Image number 1
B 20 008 Water pump housing
198 200 00 03 oder 1982000003
currently not in stock, but available for order €895.00
Image number 1
D 20 200 Water pump including gasket
189 200 04 20 oder 1892000420
currently not in stock, but available for order €550.00
Image number 2
C 20 027 C 20 027 Sealing ring Sealing ring
136 997 00 47 oder 1369970047
in stock in stock €12.60 €12.60
Image number 3
C 03 014 C 03 014 Grooved ball bearing Grooved ball bearing
000 625 006 202 oder 000625006202
in stock in stock €9.78 €9.78
Image number 4
D 20 202 D 20 202 Water pump shaft Water pump shaft
186 201 03 05 oder 1862010305
low stock level low stock level €120.22 €120.22
Image number 5
D 20 204 D 20 204 Vane Vane
186 201 02 07 oder 1862010207
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €138.59 €138.59
Image number 6
C 20 022 C 20 022 Cap Cap
312 201 02 59 oder 3122010259
in stock in stock €1.50 €1.50
Image number 7
C 20 023 C 20 023 Pressure spring Pressure spring
180 993 11 01 oder 1809931101
low stock level low stock level €29.36 €29.36
Image number 8
C 20 024 C 20 024 Cage Cage
312 201 03 58 oder 3122010358
in stock in stock €34.00 €34.00
Image number 9
C 20 025 C 20 025 Sealing ring Sealing ring
312 201 03 18 oder 3122010318
in stock in stock €7.50 €7.50
Image number 10
C 20 026 C 20 026 Friction ring Friction ring
312 201 01 19 oder 3122010119
in stock in stock €10.35 €10.35
Image number 11
A 20 006 A 20 006 Snap ring Snap ring
000 201 91 19 oder 0002019119
no longer available no longer available on request on request
Image number 12
A 20 039 A 20 039 Spacer sleeve between the grooved bearings Spacer sleeve between the grooved bearings
186 201 02 51 oder 1862010251
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €113.75 €113.75
Image number 13
A 35 106 A 35 106 Circlip 15x1 DIN 471 Circlip 15x1 DIN 471
000 471 015 000 oder 000471015000
in stock in stock €0.42 €0.42
Image number 14
D 20 206 D 20 206 Intermediate plate Intermediate plate
136 201 00 52 oder 1362010052
no longer available no longer available on request on request
Image number 15
C 03 014 C 03 014 Grooved ball bearing Grooved ball bearing
000 625 006 202 oder 000625006202
in stock in stock €9.78 €9.78
Image number 16
A 35 106 A 35 106 Circlip 15x1 DIN 471 Circlip 15x1 DIN 471
000 471 015 000 oder 000471015000
in stock in stock €0.42 €0.42
Image number 18
C 01 084 C 01 084 Screw plug AM 8x1 DIN 7604 Screw plug AM 8x1 DIN 7604
007 604 008 100 oder 007604008100
in stock in stock €2.92 €2.92
Image number 19
D 20 207 D 20 207 Seal ring holder Seal ring holder
186 200 00 60 oder 1862000060
no longer available no longer available on request on request
Image number 20
C 20 027 C 20 027 Sealing ring Sealing ring
136 997 00 47 oder 1369970047
in stock in stock €12.60 €12.60
Image number 21
C 20 039 C 20 039 Closure screw on bearing housing Closure screw on bearing housing
127 997 00 30 oder 1279970030
in stock in stock €11.60 €11.60
Image number 22
B 20 004 B 20 004 Water pump gear 18 teeth Water pump gear 18 teeth
186 200 00 27 oder 1862000027
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €189.92 €189.92
Image number 23
D 20 209 D 20 209 Woodruf key 4x5 DIN 6888 Woodruf key 4x5 DIN 6888
006 888 004 000 oder 006888004000
in stock in stock €2.04 €2.04
Image number 24
B 20 008 B 20 008 Water pump housing Water pump housing
198 200 00 03 oder 1982000003
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €895.00 €895.00
Image number 26
C 01 084 C 01 084 Screw plug AM 8x1 DIN 7604 Screw plug AM 8x1 DIN 7604
007 604 008 100 oder 007604008100
in stock in stock €2.92 €2.92
Image number 29
C 20 009 Water pump
180 200 08 01 oder 1802000801
no longer available on request
Image number 29
D 20 213 Gasket, water pump
186 201 01 80 oder 1862010180
low stock level €13.00
Image number 35
B 20 011 B 20 011 Rubber ring Rubber ring
900 260 053 200 oder 900260053200
in stock in stock €9.00 €9.00
Image number 36
B 20 012 B 20 012 Clamp, water pump Clamp, water pump
900 260 053 001 oder 900260053001
in stock in stock €27.70 €27.70
Image number 37
B 20 013 B 09 058 Hose tie S9, for wapen to cylinder Hose Clip WS N 9
000 989 02 83 oder 0009890283
no longer available currently not in stock, but available for order on request €26.17
B 09 058 Replacement: Hose Clip WS N 9 currently not in stock, but available for order €26.17
Image number 38
B 20 014 D 09 163 Hose band 9x0,4x400 for wap. to cylinder Hose strap
000 989 00 82 oder 0009890082
no longer available in stock on request €1.90
D 09 163 Replacement: Hose strap in stock €1.90
Image number 45
B 20 047 B 20 047 Radiator outlet spigot Radiator outlet spigot
198 200 00 56 oder 1982000056
low stock level low stock level €452.35 €452.35
Image number 47
C 01 115 D 01 099 Locking screw M 14x1,5 DIN 7604 Screw plug
007 604 014 106 oder 007604014106
no longer available in stock on request €3.29
D 01 099 Replacement: Screw plug in stock €3.29
Image number 49
D 08 640 D 08 640 Screw fitting Screw fitting
110 997 15 72 oder 1109971572
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €67.13 €67.13
Image number 50
D 20 225 D 20 225 Sealing gasket for cooling water outlet connection on cylinder head Sealing gasket for cooling water outlet connection on cylinder head
199 203 00 80 oder 1992030080
in stock in stock €3.50 €3.50
Image number 53
B 20 049 B 20 049 Cooling water line from cooling water connection piece to cylinder head Cooling water line from cooling water connection piece to cylinder head
198 200 00 53 oder 1982000053
no longer available no longer available on request on request
Image number 55
A 09 011 A 09 011 Banjo bolt f.inlet in Kraftst.F. Banjo bolt f.inlet in Kraftst.F.
000 091 05 71 oder 0000910571
no longer available no longer available on request on request
Image number 60
B 20 060 B 20 060 Fan bearing block with belt pulley Fan bearing block with belt pulley
198 200 01 28 oder 1982000128
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €924.56 €924.56
Image number 61
B 20 061 B 20 061 Fan pedestal Fan pedestal
198 200 00 28 oder 1982000028
no longer available no longer available on request on request
Image number 62
D 20 247 D 20 247 Spacer ring Spacer ring
194 205 00 51 oder 1942050051
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €78.86 €78.86
Image number 63
B 20 063 B 20 063 Hub Hub
198 205 00 12 oder 1982050012
no longer available no longer available on request on request
Image number 64
B 20 069 B 20 069 Pulley Pulley
198 205 00 10 oder 1982050010
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €143.13 €143.13
Image number 67
C 20 090 C 20 090 Sealing ring Sealing ring
000 997 25 46 oder 0009972546
in stock in stock €5.50 €5.50
Image number 68
C 03 014 C 03 014 Grooved ball bearing Grooved ball bearing
000 625 006 202 oder 000625006202
in stock in stock €9.78 €9.78
Image number 69
B 20 070 B 20 070 Spacer tube Spacer tube
198 205 00 53 oder 1982050053
no longer available no longer available on request on request
Image number 70
C 03 014 C 03 014 Grooved ball bearing Grooved ball bearing
000 625 006 202 oder 000625006202
in stock in stock €9.78 €9.78
Image number 73
D 20 254 D 20 254 Sealing flange Sealing flange
186 205 00 80 oder 1862050080
in stock in stock €6.30 €6.30
Image number 74
D 20 255 D 20 255 Sealing cover Sealing cover
186 205 00 13 oder 1862050013
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €264.91 €264.91
Image number 75
C 01 258 C 01 258 Hex. socket screw Hex. socket screw
000 912 006 004 oder 000912006004
in stock in stock €0.75 €0.75
Image number 76
B 20 072 B 20 072 Tensioning screw Tensioning screw
186 205 00 70 oder 1862050070
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €272.94 €272.94
Image number 77
B 20 073 B 20 073 Tensioning nut for tensioning screw back-strap tensioner Tensioning nut for tensioning screw back-strap tensioner
186 200 00 72 oder 1862000072
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €161.60 €161.60
Image number 78
B 20 074 B 20 074 Hexagon screw in L.block for sp.sch Hexagon screw in L.block for sp.sch
186 205 00 71 oder 1862050071
currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order €30.90 €30.90
Image number 85
C 20 133 C 20 133 Fan - Plastic Fan - Plastic
180 205 02 06 oder 1802050206
no longer available no longer available on request on request
Image number 88
B 20 080 B 20 080 Fan belt 9,7x8,25x925 Fan belt 9,7x8,25x925
000 997 29 92 oder 0009972992
in stock in stock €21.50 €21.50
Image number 89 C 20 146 C 20 146 Engine plate N 202 MN 5 Engine plate N 202 MN 5
900 202 000 700 oder 900202000700
no longer available no longer available on request on request
Image number 90
A 58 015 A 58 015 Nail Nail
001 476 003 007 oder 001476003007
in stock in stock €1.00 €1.00
Please note that the product names may be an automatic translation for which no guarantee can be given.
  • in stock in stock
  • low stock level low stock level
  • currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order
  • no longer available no longer available